- You are not only what you eat, but also what you absorb.
- Our bodies naturally cleanse every day, but the more toxic we are the more energy it takes.
- Research by the WHO suggests 60-80% of all cancers are due to environmental chemicals.
- Over 60,000 synthetic chemicals find their way into our air, food and water.
- Your largest organ of elimination is your skin and it acts like a third kidney.
Our bodies have eleven major systems including the circulatory, digestive and nervous system. Five of these are needed for continuous self-cleansing and elimination. We are designed this way because our bodies continually generate large quantities of endo-toxins - the natural by-products of metabolism. Add to that the modern burdens of exo-toxins - environmental pollutants, food additives and other stress factors - and it's clear that if our elimination system is over-burdened or weak, our health and vitality can suffer. The Centre for Disease Control has done large-scale studies and found measurable amounts of more than 100 toxic chemicals in blood and urine of the general public.
If you are thinking of doing your own detox by just eliminating "junk" foods for a little while, these are some specific foods to eliminate because they are difficult for the body to digest or process.
- Dairy products including cheese, ice cream, milk and yogurt clog and congest, thus slowing down the elimination of toxins and old intestinal waste.
- Fried foods, especially pan-fried with oil or deep-fried because they also clog and congest
- Processed sugar (white sugar, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup etc) in candy, soft drinks, or added to food, because they depress the immune system.
- Common Iodized Table Salt because it constricts and holds in toxins (you can use unrefined, unheated earth or sea salt lightly)
- Meat because it takes the most energy to digest and slows cleansing.
If you would really like to give your digestive system a little R & R, you may like to go further and do a liquid diet for one day, fresh juices, herbal teas and water are best, if necessary, check with your doctor first. For a complete detox, I suggest checking out Blessed Herbs. It guides you through a complete colon and digestive system detox which removes toxins from the body, intestinal mucoid plaque and helps to restore vital nutrients to the body. This is the detox I did and it was truly amazing what came out, physically and emotionally and how much I lighter and cleaner I felt energetically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!
Shine Wellbeing Solutions is a Personal Fitness and Wellbeing Specialist Consultancy aimed at empowering and motivating our clients to live a positive and healthy life. We employ a holistic approach to coaching and sessions providing clients with expert fitness and health coaching in a supportive and encouraging environment. Check out the website for more info on Switched On Vol 2.
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